Goldacres Community Support

Goldacres believes strongly in supporting regional communities and provides sponsorship and other backing for a range of organisations. Please contact Goldacres to find out more about our community support work and how we might help your group.

Racing Clubs
Donald & District Racing Club
St Arnaud Racing Club
St Arnaud Harness Racing Club
Squash / Racquetball
Ballarat Squash & Racquetball
Cropping Groups
Birchip Cropping Group

BCG is a not-for-profit agricultural research organisation led by farmers in the Wimmera Mallee region of Victoria.

Riverine Plains Inc

Farmers Inspiring Farmers, Riverine Plains Inc is a progressive farmer group dedicated to improving the productivity of broadacre farming systems in North East Victoria and Southern NSW.

Football / Netball
North Central Football League
Avoca Football & Netball Club
Natte Bealiba Football & Netball Club
Rupanyup Football Club
St Arnaud Football Club
S.M.W. Rovers