Goldacres Owner-Operator Manuals

Got questions about your Goldacres equipment? You’ll find the answer in a Goldacres owner-operator manual. Download the Goldacres owner-operator manual for your agricultural chemical spray equipment and have it handy whenever its required.

Super Cruiser
ModelYearRevisionPart NumberPDFZipChapters
Super Cruiser G82019 5GA8700989 33mb 32mb
Super Cruiser G820176GA8700771 35mb 32mb
Super Cruiser G10s20160GA8700443 17mb 32mb
Super Cruiser G820151GA8700364 37mb 32mb
Crop Cruiser
ModelYearRevisionPart NumberPDFZipChapters
Crop Cruiser G4 Series 2202400GA8701900 103mb 90mb
Crop Cruiser G6 Series 220204GA8701177 152mb 90mb
Crop Cruiser G620193GA8700988 33mb 90mb
Crop Cruiser G420195GA8700987 32mb 90mb
Crop Cruiser G4.7 / G5 / G620174GA8700769 30mb 90mb
Crop Cruiser G3V / G4V20176GA8700841 37mb 90mb
Crop Cruiser G3 / G420173GA8700770 96mb 90mb
Crop Cruiser G4.7 / G5 / G620151GA8700308 40mb 90mb
Crop Cruiser G3 / G420151GA8700312 40mb 90mb
Crop Cruiser G3 / G420141GA5071145 55mb 90mb
Crop Cruiser Evolution20141.1GA8700121 51mb 90mb
Crop Cruiser Evolution20131.4GA5071140 47mb 90mb
Crop Cruiser Evolution20111.2GA5063700 41mb 90mb
Total Machine Control “GATMC” & Lykketronic1GA8700120 21mb 90mb
Trailed - Prairie Pro
ModelYearRevisionPart NumberPDFZipChapters
Prairie Pro Series 2202200GA8701602 33mb 90mb
Prairie Pro20194GA8701009 58mb 90mb
Prairie Pro20173GA8700776 72mb 90mb
Prairie Pro20150GA8700305 0bytes 90mb
Prairie Evolution20131GA5063720 20mb 90mb
Prairie Eco20131GA5063725 12mb 90mb
Prairie Evolution20111.4GA5061420 11mb 90mb
Prairie Advance20101.3GA5061430 16mb 90mb
Prairie20040 23mb 90mb
Prairie Sprayer19960 13mb 90mb
Trailed - Prairie Special
ModelYearRevisionPart NumberPDFZipChapters
Prairie Special Series 2202300GA8701871 18mb 13mb
Prairie Special 4000-6500L2017-191GA8701083 12mb 13mb
Prairie Special 1500-3000L2017-192GA8701082 23mb 13mb
Prairie Special 3000-5000L20150GA8700304 19mb 13mb
Special Evolution 3000-5000L20141GA5061470 9mb 13mb
Special Evolution 3000-5000L20111.2GA5061455 12mb 13mb
Special EF 3000 4000 5000L20102GA5061435 73mb 13mb
Special EF 3000 4000L20091.2GA5061435 70mb 13mb
Sprayers - Small
ModelYearRevisionPart NumberPDFZip
3PL Small Frame Ops & Parts Manual202100GA8701524 6mb 5mb
3PL Small Frame20190GA8701054 9mb 8mb
3PL Pasture20163GA8700265 6mb 8mb
3PL 12v20162GA8700740 6mb 8mb
Front Mount 3PL20152.0GA5062965 5mb 5mb
3PL Work Ready20152GA8700165 5mb 5mb
Ultimate20140GA8700280 2mb 5mb
ATV200 / ATV300L / UV400L20140GA8700278 2mb 5mb
3PL Pasture2012+GA8700741 3mb 5mb
Trailed - Compact
ModelYearRevisionPart NumberPDFZipChapters
Prairie Compact 400-600L20200GA8701149 10mb 10mb
Prairie Compact 2000L20191GA8701141 9mb 10mb
Prairie Compact 1000L20190GA8701142 4mb 10mb
Prairie Compact & Compact S20162GA8700280 5mb 10mb
Prairie Compact20150GA8700317 15mb 10mb
Compact Evolution20141GA8700116 8mb 10mb
ModelYearRevisionPart NumberPDFZip
Traymount T320181GA8700839 7mb 7mb
Pro-Reel Traymount20176GA8700755 21mb 20mb
Traymount20165GA8700742 13mb 12mb
Traymount20150GA8700275 2mb 1mb
Pro-Reel20158GA8700158 5mb 5mb
Pro-Reel2012+1GA8700747 9mb 5mb
Fire Fighting
ModelYearRevisionPart NumberPDFZip
Fire Fighter 450-800L20200GA8701239 2mb 2mb
Fire Fighting20151GA8700130 1mb 2mb
Chemical Handling
ModelYearRevisionPart NumberPDFZip
SuperFlow Mobile Hopper2016 4GA8700134 1mb 1mb
Batchmate20165GA8700153 10mb 10mb
Booms - Small
ModelYearRevisionPart NumberPDFZip
Towbar booms20180GA8701033 2mb 2mb
Small booms 3-12m20184GA8700803 8mb 7mb
12 Volt
ModelYearRevisionPart NumberPDFZip
Spotmate / Traymate202300GA8701872 6mb 5mb
Squirt20204GA8700276 1mb 966kb
Spotmate / Traymate201911GA8700174 3mb 3mb
Spotmate Trailer20180GA8700991 8mb 8mb
Hysi20180GA8700992 3mb 3mb
Compact 30020180GA8700995 4mb 4mb
ATV7520182GA8700277 2mb 2mb
Spotmate / Traymate20156GA8700174 0bytes 2mb
Diesel Tank20151GA8700279 791kb 2mb
ATV7520140GA8700277 1mb 2mb
Ezi-mate2012+GA5022323 7mb 2mb
Diesel Tank2012-2015GA8700744 467kb 2mb
Diesel Tank2010-2012GA5022329 2mb 2mb
ModelYearRevisionPart NumberPDFZip
RCM and Hawkeye 22023DGA3000524 35mb 35mb
XRT Operation Manual2022EGA8701234 158mb 158mb
VT Menu NavigationA016-0171-511 90kb 158mb
Switch Pro016-0171-219 6mb 158mb
Switch Box with ISOBUS VT Display 945kb 158mb
Switch Box with ISOBUS Systems 549kb 158mb
SmartBoom Universal Installation016-1001-074 2mb 158mb
SmartBoom and SmartRow Installation016-0171-093 2mb 158mb
Sidekick Pro016-0171-391 3mb 158mb
Service ToolA016-5030-022 12mb 158mb
SCS4500160159831 11mb 158mb
SCS440 (Twin Window)R0160159409 2mb 158mb
SCS4000/5000F016-0159-925 4mb 158mb
SCS330 Manual 678kb 158mb
ISOBUS Product ControlE016-0171-362 4mb 158mb
ISO AutoBoom 6.0 and NewerA016-0130-078 2mb 158mb
ISO AutoBoomF016-0130-065 2mb 158mb
Injection Pump 3mb 158mb
HawkeyeA016-0171-584 964kb 158mb
Envizio Pro and Envizio Pro II Quick Reference Guide 4mb 158mb
Envizio Pro and Envizio Pro II016-0171-148 48mb 158mb
Cruizer II 6mb 158mb
CAN Diagnostic Tool 3mb 158mb
AutoBoom UltraGlide XT016-0130-073 1mb 158mb
AutoBoom Control Console Calibration016-0130-062 2mb 158mb
AutoBoomG016-0130-062 2mb 158mb
AccuBoom for Cruizer II Consoles 281kb 158mb
ModelYearRevisionPart NumberPDFZip
Windrow20181GA8700828 7mb 158mb