Could Goldacres fit a windrower on a front mount linkage?

No. This sounds like a good idea until some further investigation. Trying to turn a sprayer into a windrower creates many issues. A self propelled windrower pivots with the rear wheels, while a sprayer steers with the front. Obviously this pulls the cutter bar sideways which cannot be rectified. A self propelled windrower has wide, small diameter, load carrying tyres to support the substantial weight of a windrower. A sprayer has large, narrow diameter, tyres designed for minimum crop damage, not load carrying.

Hydraulics: A windrower has unique hydraulic requirements, which can require a substantial modification of a hydraulic system designed to operate a sprayer. Driving the cutter bar, driving the reel with speed adjustment, raising and lowering the cutter bar and the reel, compensating for side movement etc.

Attachment: The attachment between the vehicle and the windrower is complex, which permits the windrower to ‘float’ over undulating ground and allow a degree of ‘roll’. The attachment also has to provide a degree of suspension, between the vehicle and the windrower. All these issues need to be addressed to produce a multi purpose vehicle, and we believe some of the important ones cannot be covered, so we have made the decision not to go down this path.